Ár Scéal | Our Story
Sólás Na Mara is nestled in the main fishing harbour of An Rinn and overlooks the bay with the Comeragh mountains as a backdrop. Before you even arrive at Sólás, the beautiful views over Dungarvan Bay will set your mind at ease and put you in the spirit of relaxation. An Rinn is the perfect location for a Seaweed Bathhouse - close to the sea in a beautiful location: a small gaeltacht village, with a big heart.
For over 100 years, Dungarvan Bay and the Waterford coast has a history of visitors to the area who wished to ‘take the waters’ well recognised to have such healing benefits. In Dungarvan itself, Stokes bathhouse was operational until the 1950’s. The town was established as a spa town in 1901, with the waters and seaweed recognised as being a huge benefit. This bathhouse was established much more recently in 2013 and continues to flourish in the beautiful community of An Rinn now.
Suite i nGaeltacht na nDéise, is áit spesialta í an áit seo. Tuigeann muintir na háite an faoiseamh atá le fáil ó bheith cois tráigh. Is rinn í an áit seo, le radharcanna ar sléibhte Comeraigh, agus cósta Phortláirge, agus bailte beaga i bhfad uainn i gcontae Loch Gorman.
Run by Cian Ó Conchúir and David Towey, this is a small family business where you can be sure of the service of an experienced team. Experience a seaweed bath, enjoy the local scenery and have a day to remember - whether you are local, on holiday, exploring Waterford’s great treasures, the history of Ireland’s Ancient East, recovering from a day out on the Waterford Greenway or driving the Copper Coast scenic drive.